This is a quick short stack of a few of the books I have read over the last year. I have to admit, I hesitated to buy a 200+ page book on breathing, but Breath is one of the most fascinating books I have read in a long time. Why do we breathe the way we do? How did evolution change the way we breathe? How does breathing impact sleep? Why did my old boss used to say, “Tell that guy to go breathe in a bag!” when he was frustrated with someone’s impatience. Does breathing in a bag even work?
If there’s one sure fire way to help transform perspective on whatever challenges we might be facing, reading is it for me. And yes, I still buy hardcopy books from time to time, especially when I am “studying” them. I am one of those people that whips out a highlighter and writes in the margins, not because I am necessarily going to memorize the content, but because the act of highlighting or re-writing a concept helps it take root in my mind. Later, when I only have a vague recollection of what I read, I flip through the books and read the highlights and my margin comments to spur thought or make connections.

For those leaders transitioning from one career to another, and that might be a lot of us these days given corporate downsizing, potential layoffs, and simply life choices, from Strength to Strength is a terrific option. If you are trying to rebuild your resilience or that of your team, Resilient is an excellent choice. If you are struggling with a divisive organization, And provides a really interesting way of seeing that our decisions aren’t always “either/or;” this book is particularly compelling right now given the cultural challenges we are facing today.