By now my husband is probably wondering who this yoga guy “Tim” is. At the tail end of my Army career, my body began to protest the decades of damage done carrying rucksacks, wearing body armor, and trying to crush every physical fitness test even in those years that my idea of fitness was running like a madwoman to pick my kids up from daycare by 6PM (my husband was deployed and I was hoofing it every day after working 10-12 hours!). After I tore my hamstring completely, I realized I needed to make some changes, so I picked up yoga.
I don’t know about you, but up until then, I thought yoga was a bit pretentious. I had this vision of me in spandex carrying a yoga mat to a fancy studio. Well, it can be that, but it also can be me, in my office at 7am rolling out a mat on the floor and getting a quick series of stretches in before the office gets crowded. I learned that yoga is a combination of all the things I had been told to do in many years of repeat physical therapy sessions that I would do for 6 weeks and then forget. Yoga has had an absolutely amazing impact on my body and mind and all I need to do it is a phone/tablet and some sort of mat or towel.
Who is Tim? My absolute favorite yoga teacher on YouTube.