2 Minute Meditation: Quiet Morning

2 Minute Meditation: Snowy Day

Word of the Year???

What’s your “word of the year” for 2025? Mine is resurgence. Per Merriam Webster, resurgence is a rising again into life, activity or prominence. Resurgence resonates with me as I have spent the last year plus on sabbatical reading, listening, studying. Life throws a lot at us and I decided to take some time to step away from the chaos and reflect. I had been working 50-70 hour weeks for 33 years and I was both tired and feeling out of sync. Over the course of the year, I completed my career coaching certification, spent time with family, and read a lot. It was a great experience. I knew that I wanted to spend the next part of my life sharing what I have learned and experienced, I just wasn’t sure how. Now I feel like it is time for resurgence.

What about you? What word might you choose to focus or inspire your 2025? Rather than resolutions that are difficult to keep, a word can provide an anchor for your year. Here are a few ideas:






